Generate Diagnostics

Diagnostics can be requested on, but you can also generate diagnostics from the endpoint itself.

Select Generate Diagnostics from the dope.endpoint UI.

Run Diagnostics

To get the dope.endpoint to run a set of diagnostic tests, select the “Generate Diagnostics” option from the dope.endpoint UI.

Windows: Right click on the DS, and select “Generate Diagnostics.”

macOS: Option ⌥ + click on the DS icon in the menu bar, then select “Generate Diagnostics.”

dope.endpoint will run a set of tests, gather internal and relevant OS logs, and upload it to the

Debug logs can also be manually retrieved from these directories: Windows: C:\ProgramData\

macOS: /Library/Application\ Support/

Enable Debug Mode

In some cases, you may need to enable debug mode to help solve a problem. This can be done by selecting “Enable Debug Mode” from the dope.endpoint UI.

Windows: Right click on the DS icon, and select “Enable Debug Mode”

macOS: Option ⌥ + click on the DS icon in the menu bar. Select “Enable Debug Mode.”

Once the problem is resolved, you can disable debug mode by selecting "Disable Debug Mode" in the dope.endpoint UI.

Last updated