Endpoint Manager View

The Endpoint Manager View lets you see all of the dope.swg endpoints installed across your organization, allowing you to keep track of your users at a glance.

All of your organization’s users who have successfully installed dope.swg are listed on the Endpoint Manager View.

The Endpoint Manager View

The Endpoint Manager View lets you see:

  • Device Name: The name of the device running the dope.swg endpoint.

  • Status: The current status of the dope endpoint. The endpoint will display the endpoint as healthy, error, disabled, or dormant.

    • Healthy: The dope.swg endpoint is working, with no errors.

    • Error: The dope.swg endpoint has an error and is not working.

    • Disabled: The dope.swg endpoint has been put into disabled mode by the admin

    • Dormant: The dope.swg endpoint has not sent a health check for more than seven days. These devices are removed from the view if a health check is not received for 28 days.

  • User: This shows the email address of the user currently logged in to the device. Where users and groups have not been imported this will be the logged-in user.

  • Policy Assigned to User: This shows the dope.swg policy you are currently assigning to the selected user and which is being applied on the endpoint.

  • Last Seen: The last time the dope.swg endpoint sent a health check to the dope.cloud.

  • Endpoint Version: The version of dope.swg currently installed on the selected device.

  • Debug Mode: If the dope.swg endpoint is currently running in debug mode, it will be indicated by the icon in the status column.

  • Location: The current location of the device.

You can sort the endpoint table by “Last Seen” Time

Endpoint Count

When the Endpoint Manager View initially opens there’s a count of all of your organization's endpoints and their current states.

  • Total MacOS Endpoints: Total number of endpoints running on macOS

  • Total Windows Endpoints: Total number of endpoints running on Windows

  • Total in Error: Total number of endpoints in an Error state. Select individual Endpoints to see the type of error.

  • Total Disabled: Total number of endpoints that have been manually disabled.

  • Total Uninstalled: Total Endpoints that have been uninstalled.

  • Fallback Mode: Total endpoints in Fallback Recovered state.

  • Connected for Updates: Total Endpoints that are connected and able to receive updates.

Active Endpoints = Healthy + Error + Disabled + Dormant

Individual Device

If you select an individual device, the Endpoint Manager View will show you additional information, alongside the device name and last seen time.

  • Processor Type: The selected device’s processor type.

  • OS Version: The operating system that the selected device is running.

  • Status: Where the endpoint is in error you can see the type of error:

    • DopeRedirector is not running.

    • DopeRedirector is running but bypassing all traffic.

    • Agent is running but inactive.

    • Agent is in an Error state.

    • Agent is not running.

    • Fallback Recovered. This indicates that the dope.endpoint has been in Fallback mode at least once in the last 24 hours but has recovered.

Last updated