Billing Details
Purchasing the Product
When a customer is trialing dope.swg but wants to purchase the product then all the required details to complete the purchase are available in Settings -> Billing.
Purchase Directly
Where a customer wishes to purchase the product directly from, they need to contact us directly by emailing
For more details see our website.
Purchase through a partner
Where a customer wishes to purchase the product through a partner, then they need to provide the partner with their Tenant ID.
There is also a link to a list of Preferred Partners (Coming Soon).
Subscription Details
Customer subscription details can also be viewed from the billing page. These details include:
Subscription Type i.e. Trial/Paid/NFR
Number of Purchased Devices
Number of Active Devices
Renewal Date
Number of Days Remaining
Number of purchased and active devices will not be displayed for Trial Customers
Last updated