The endpoints screen within the dope.console settings allows you to configure your dope.endpoints, which is minimal effort—it requires only two parameters to be configured!
Anti-uninstall Password
The first endpoint configuration is the anti-uninstall password.
By default this parameter is not enabled, but once there are greater than 20 endpoints installed, we recommend that you an anti-uninstall password. When you reach this milestone, you will see the following information in the right-side panel.
To enable the password, simply select the arrow next to the “Not yet configured” text.
This will automatically generate an anti-uninstall password to be used for all your dope.endpoints.
Once you enable an anti-uninstall password it cannot be disabled.
The Anti-Uninstall Password is used on the dope.endpoint for:
End users to uninstall
End users to disable
Fallback Mode
The fallback mode parameter deals with how the dope.endpoint should behave when it cannot connect to either the dope.cloud Web Category or Malware services.
When this happens the dope.endpoint can be configured to switch Fail Close Mode ‘ON’ or ‘OFF.’
Fail Close ON
When Fail Close is switched ‘ON,’ any website that an end user has previously accessed and is cached will have policy applied to it. If the user has previously attempted to access a blocked website, they will still be blocked.
Any attempt to access a new website will result in a ‘Block‘ response.
Fail Closed OFF
When Fail Closed is switched ‘OFF,’ any website that an end user has previously accessed and is cached will have policy applied to it. If the user has previously attempted to access a blocked website they will still be blocked.
Any attempt to access a new website will result in an ‘Allow’ response.
By default Fail Close is set to ‘OFF.’
To set Fail Close to ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ simply toggle the check box.
After updating any of the Endpoint configuration parameters, the updated configuration must be saved.
Last updated