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The Productivity function on dope.swg lets you see what your users are accessing on the web, giving you a better idea of how productive they are being with their time.
By clicking on “Productivity” from the dropdown, you’ll get to the Productivity view, where you can get a better understanding of how your users are accessing the internet from their corporate devices.
If you have not imported users and groups, the productivity page will open blank.
When you arrive to the Productivity view, you will see a circular graph.
The outer ring of the graph is divided into 5 colors: the colors signify the top 4 category viewed across your organization over the past 7 days and the total data and web transactions for all other viewed categories.
Each color in the outer ring shows the amount of data transferred in bytes.
The inner ring of the graph shows the number of transactions for each top 4 category and a total for all other transactions.
The middle of the graph shows the total amount of data transferred across the entire organization over the last 7 days.
Clicking on one of the top four categories will open a new graph — see Category Domains below.
You can click on one of the top four viewed categories. This will open a new circular graph showing the top domains associated with this category.
The circular graphic takes the same format as the top categories graphic. There are the top 4 domains for the category, each showing both the data transferred and the total number of transactions.
The fifth domain in the graph shows the accumulated data for all other domains within the category.
The middle of the graph shows the percentage of the total data transferred that the selected category is responsible for.
The productivity view also provides a list of the top 10 categories viewed over the last 7 days across the organization. It shows the percentage of the total amount of data transferred that the selected category is responsible for.
All the categories in this list are clickable and will bring you to the domain view for the selected category.
The screen time view lets you see how long users are spending on the top categories, and what time of day they view each category.
You can see the average daily time users are active on their endpoints across the entire organization. Taking this information on board can help your organization become more productive.
By default screen times show for the last week but it is possible to view the screen time for just the previous day by selecting the “Day” option at the top of the graph. This will show you when the categories were viewed in the last 24 hours and the average for this period.
By default the productivity view shows details on the viewing history of everyone in your organization. However it is possible to search the view for a user, a group, or a location.
When you start entering text into the search bar, dope.swg will suggest users , groups or locations that match the text you are entering.
When you have made a selection, the Productivity view will show the top categories viewed for the selected user. It is also possible to download all of the searched for users web transactions to a CSV file using the download button at the top of the view.
The screen time graphic and the top categories graphic will update to show the information for the selected user, group, or location.
Searching for a group or a location in the productivity view will bring you to the Details View where you will see all the violations for the searched group or location