Shadow IT
Nobody likes turbulence. So when you’re flying first class, you want to to keep it to a minimum. Knowing your organization’s cloud app use ensures everybody has a smooth, safe experience as they work
Application View
By clicking on ”Shadow IT” from the dropdown, you are directed to the application view showing the top 20 used cloud apps based on data transferred over the last 7 days across your organization.

If you have not imported users and groups, the Shadow IT page will open blank.
The apps are ordered with the app with the least number of users at the top and the app with the most users at the bottom.

Why does dope.swg show least first? Because it’s likely these are the ones you are most interested in to find out why they need to be used.
You can see usage across each of the last 7 days by hovering over the day in the graphic.
Application View
By default, the Shadow IT view shows details on the viewing history of everyone in your organization. However you can also search the view for a user, a group, or a location.
Search for Users
When you start entering text into the search bar, dope.swg will suggest users, groups or locations that match the text you are entering.

On selecting a user the Shadow IT application view will show the top cloud apps used by that user, group, or location, over the last seven days. It is also possible to download all of the searched for users Shadow IT transactions to a CSV file using the download button at the top of the view.
Searching for a group or a location in the Shadow IT view will bring you to the Details View where you will see all the violations for the searched group or location
Last updated