Policy View
By clicking on “Policy” from the dropdown, you’ll get to the Policy view with a live overview of the policy violation numbers across all your organization’s endpoints.
The Policy view shows you details of what policy violations, malware blocks, and cloud app blocks have occurred in the last 7 days across your organization.
The policy violations will be listed as either “Block” or “Warning” — depending on how you have configured your dope.swg policy
Policy Violations
On the left of this view you will see the following data for the last seven days:
The number of Policy Blocks — with the total number of web transactions across your organization for comparison.
The number of Malware Blocks — with the total number of files across your organization scanned for comparison.
The number of Cloud Application Control (CAC) Blocks — with the total number of CAC transactions across your organization for comparison.
Clicking on any of these totals will bring you to a Detail view filtered to violations for the selected policy type.
The Analytics view features a graph showing the trend for blocks across your organization for the 3 policy areas for the last 7 days. Each trendline is signified by a different color.
Below the graph you can see more details on the reason for the policy blocks across the last seven days:
For Policy you can see up to the top seven blocked categories.
On Malware you can see the up to the top seven malware types that were blocked.
For CAC you can see the top CAC Apps that were blocked.
Top Blocks
You need to know when your users are violating their policy so you can keep your organization’s users safe. Safety first, right?
dope.swg lets you monitor which users, groups, and locations are responsible for the highest number of policy violations. You can then decide the appropriate action to take.
dope.swg uses a tree map graphic to show admins who is responsible for the top blocks in your organization. A tree map graphic visualizes the data in blocks — this makes it easier for you to spot trends or patterns.
Selecting any of the sections in the tree map will open the detail view.
Refine your search
By default this graphic shows violations for all policy types and includes user, groups, and locations. You can select a specific policy type using Policy, Malware, or CAC filter buttons or a combination of policy types.
You can also filter to select by users, groups, or locations by using the check boxes to see users, groups or locations or a combination of these.
Selecting any of the sections in the tree map will open the Detail view filtered to either the selected user, group, or location.
Searching the Policy view will bring you to the Detail view filtered to show the violation data that matches your search.
Search for User, Group or Location
When you start entering text into the search bar, dope.swg will suggest users, groups or locations that match the text you are entering. You can then search policy violation for a specific user, group or location.
You do not have to select a valid user, group, or location to search the detail view from the policy view. You can simply enter text and the console will search for policy violations for users, groups, or locations starting with the text you have entered.
On selecting enter you will be brought to the Detail view which will be filtered with policy violations that match your search. Detail View
You need to have imported users and groups' data into the console to search for groups or locations.
Last updated