SIEM Integration

It is possible to integrate your dope.swg with whichever SIEM tool your organization is using.

Simply provide with the location of your organizations AWS S3 Bucket where we can send all of web transactions from each dope.endpoint.

Each dope.endpoint sends all web transactions for that endpoint to the every 15 mins. Once SIEM Integration is enabled the will ensure all of this log data is sent to your organizations AWS S3 bucket as it is received from the dope.endpoint.

The data is sent to the AWS S3 Bucket in a compressed GZIP format. This data can then be ingested into whichever SIEM product your organization is using.

Configuring the integration

Provide S3 Bucket Name

The first step to configure SIEM integration is to navigate to the Settings -> SIEM page. From here you must provide the name of the AWS S3 Bucket where you want to the to send the log data to.

Your AWS S3 Bucket must be in the AWS region noted on the right-hand side of the SIEM integration page on the right-hand side (above).

e.g. US-EAST-2 should have a US-EAST-2 S3 Bucket location

Configuring the AWS S3 Bucket Policy

The AWS S3 bucket that you want to log data to be sent to must be configured to give the write access.

Within the SIEM integration page on the right hand panel have provided the policy that the AWS S3 Bucket needs to be configured with. You need to copy and paste this policy and use it to configure the organizations AWS S3 Bucket.


When everything has been configured correctly a successful synchronization will be clearly indicated on the SIEM page.

A green tick will appear next to the AWS S3 Bucket name and the last synchronization time will appear on the top right of the page.

Synchronization Errors

Where the synchronization fails it will be because of one of the following errors:

  • AWS S3 bucket not found

  • AWS S3 Bucket needs to be in Data Residency Region

  • AWS S3 access policy is not set

  • AWS S3 access policy is incorrect.

The synchronization failure will be clearly indicated on the SIEM page.

Connection Lost

It is possible that connection to the AWS S3 Bucket could get lost. This will result in log data not getting sent to the organizations AWS S3 Bucket. The reasons for a lost connection be because of one of the following errors:

  • AWS S3 bucket not found

  • AWS S3 Bucket needs to be in Data Residency Region

  • AWS S3 access policy is not set

  • AWS S3 access policy is incorrect.

If this happens then notifications will appear in two locations.

The SIEM Integration page will clearly indicate that the connection is lost and will indicate the possible reasons.

The Audit Log will have an event posted that shows the number of files that have not been sent to the organizations AWS S3 Bucket.

Screenshot needed

When connection to the AWS S3 Bucket is restored then the SIEM page will again indicate that the synchronization was successful. There will also be a connection returned event added to the Audit Log.

Log Data Format

Here is the format of the web transaction data sent from the to the AWS S3 Bucket.

Last updated